
The term that is “in” today, especially when you talk about legacy and mainframes, is modernization.

Wikipedia defines it as follows: “Legacy modernization, or software modernization, refers to the conversion, rewriting or porting of a legacy system to a modern computer programming language, software libraries, protocols, or hardware platform. Legacy transformation aims to retain and extend the value of the legacy investment through migration to new platforms”.

To address the life cycle management part of modernization and other hot topics like DevOps and ARA, we have developed a “web based, platform and environment independent framework”. What do me mean by that?

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Last week we addressed the need for a sound business case for DevOps and make sure you have the needed support from all stakeholders. Today we would like to give a global view on what can/needs to happen to have most benefits of a DevOps journey.

To give a global view we like to refer to following report from Forrester: “the Digital Transformation Needs Mainframe DevOps”, by Kurt Bittner and Robert Stroud, June 20, 2016. In that paper they address the key technologies you need to consider to enjoy all possible benefits from a DevOps journey:

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When starting a DevOps adventure, we believe that preparing and having a business case is a key element. When you have no business case forget it. And when you have a business case, make sure you have management support and take care of the (human) change management.

Business case

It is always important to start with an Architectural point of view. TOGAF is a good example of a sound framework that can be used to define your business case and do the follow-up. In what TOGAF calls the Architecture Vision (contains the Value Proposition and KPI’s) we see following:

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Historically SCM (Software Change Management) or ALM (Application Life Cycle Management) was driven by developers.

The first step was about library management or managing source code (program, copybooks, load modules,..) to finally standardizing and bringing compile procedures under control, together with deployments to test and production environments.

Next, especially in the distributed environments, we spoke about Agile Development, whereby open source versioning tools like CVS, Subversion and GIT play a major role. This together with issue tracking systems like Atlassian JIRA and Build tools like Hudson and Jenkins.

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