The key elements of DevOps

Last week we addressed the need for a sound business case for DevOps and make sure you have the needed support from all stakeholders. Today we would like to give a global view on what can/needs to happen to have most benefits of a DevOps journey.

To give a global view we like to refer to following report from Forrester: “the Digital Transformation Needs Mainframe DevOps”, by Kurt Bittner and Robert Stroud, June 20, 2016. In that paper they address the key technologies you need to consider to enjoy all possible benefits from a DevOps journey:

TechnologyCapability enabledImpact
IDEs for enterprise
application languages
Use modern development practices,
including syntax completion, code
checking, and integrated debugging
Greater developer productivity, higherquality
code, and larger resource pool
Virtualized z/OS
development and test
Obtain fresh z/OS test environments
without waiting and without using
mainframe resources
Higher test coverage at signicantly
lower cost; higher-quality test results by
eliminating shared test environments
Unit test automation for
enterprise applications
Test code modules as they are
developed or changed to provide
developers with earlier feedback
Greater developer productivity,
higher-quality code
Service virtualizationSimulate production systems and
services in test environments
Reduced cost and time to provision
test environments; improved parallel
development of services
Continuous integrationBuild, integrate, and test code as soon
as it is delivered to a source repository
Greater developer productivity,
higher-quality code
Static code analysis toolsAnalyze the quality of delivered codeGreater developer productivity,
higher-quality code
Release automationReduce or eliminate manual effort
when moving software between
Reduced cost, improved reliability

The point I want to make is that to have a complete solution you need to address several elements. Although we don’t address them all ourselves with our IKAN ALM for z/OS solution, we make sure that we integrate or can take advantage of all elements.


During our Build (compile) process we can include a JCL step that will be used to run your automated tests. Or when you use an Eclipse like IDE we can launch compiles or even deploys (promotions) to test environments. So when doing DEVOPS, make sure you address all important and relevant elements.

With IKAN ALM we will make sure that our mainframe developer stays in his comfort zone and we will take care of the compilation and deploy steps, be it on one Z:OS, a number of z/OS machines or a number of LPAR’s. How do we do that? It's all in our next post.

Continue reading in our next post: Mainframe modernization, our architecture

Picture of Rene De Vleeschauwer

About the author

Hello, my name is René De Vleeschauwer.

Throughout my career I've been responsible for the development of enterprise software. Since 12 years I've been leading the development of IKAN ALM, an open DevOps framework.

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